Friday, March 12, 2010

My toilet is clogged beyond hope. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?

I'm 15 years old, and my mother has yelled at me wayyy too many times for clogging the toilet with toilet paper. Problem is, this time it isn't an easy clog to get out. I don't want to have to tell her!

I've tried plunging it, and pouring water into it from a bucket. Neither worked, and it overflowed a bit once. I'm really kind of freaked out. We don't own a "toilet snake" and I can't call a plumber. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!

My toilet is clogged beyond hope. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?
Just get a toilet auger, its less than $15 and will solve the problem.Don't bother with any drain chemicals they won't work and are not made for toilet applications.Toilet has built in curves that act as a trap so the only thing flexible enought to manouver through it easily is the toilet auger
Reply:When plunging, try pulling up sharply on the plunger (keep mouth closed and maybe put on some glasses). If you do that with the water level up near the rim, it should eventually loosen up the wadded paper and free the blockage.

It might take a few dozen tries, so be patient.
Reply:You have to find something to use as a 'snake' and push the clog through into the larger sized drain pipe.Don't use anything that might scratch the porcelain. You need something stiff enough to work, but flexible enough to make that first trick y 's' bend.Maybe some heavy wire with the end taped. You can try Liquid Plumber if you have some.
Reply:Seems like your only option now is to go buy a snake. You also might want to try using a little less TP next time.
Reply:You just have to tell mum and if she can't fix it, she will have to call a plumber. In future, flush more frequently between putting wads of tissue in the bowl, that way you are less likely to clog it.
Reply:All you can do is remove the paper and then plunge it. If that doesn't work you will have to tell your Mom.

My husband and son clog ours everyday. Your Mom should not get so upset.

Sorry I can't help more.
Reply:there is not a whole lot you can do besides buy a plumbers snake. dont pour more water into it. it will eventually go down then you can plunge it. maybe an hour or too.
Reply:you going have to drian it out. then pull the toilet if you shut off the water, take it out side and that a holes to it ,at the other in to find out way it keep doing it. if it a real old one then it time for a new one they have a bigger hole andyou can,t clogged them up
Reply:other than trying a garden hose....I don't know.....its probably got a toietpaper wad down about 10 feet or so......try putting some dishwashing soap down it too when you flush it....the weight of the soap will help the "vent" and flushability as well as make things nice if it tries to overflow.....good luck......."the doggg"
Reply:You have to buy a toilet snake. Just shoot to home depot, thats the only way. Snake will push everything through the pipe. I know, I have used it. If you call a plumber, he will use a snake and charge you bigtime!!!

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