Sunday, March 14, 2010

My ear has been clogged for 3 weeks now...?

I've used hydrogen peroxide, and it hasn't worked. I'm not sure if I am imagining things but sometimes I feel as if my temple on the same side of my clogged ear is momentarily hurting, yet I don't know if a clogged ear can be relevant to a headache. I also feel as if it almost "wants" to start hurting, but it doesn't get to the point that I feel as if I am in pain. Any insight?? I hope it isn't some kind of tumor!

My ear has been clogged for 3 weeks now...?
Easiest way is to go to a doctor and have them clean out your ears. Wax build up can press against the eardrum and cause pain, earache and headache (maybe). The doctor can show you how to wash out ears so you can get a small ear syringe and do it yourself from now on. I had to do this years ago and do it myself now. Good luck.
Reply:I have had clogged ears before due to swimmers ear. Water can sometimes get trapped behind the drum. Try buying a product called Swimmers ear and it should clear it right up.
Reply:There are small vials of oily stuff you put in your ears rather than peroxide, when the latter isn't working. Peroxide seems to flow out faster than you might want it to. Unless you have had this problem before, it would be good to see a general practitioner and have it either manually irrigated or teased out with a small kit they use. Barring all that, you might stop in your local health food store or Mennonite, etc., store and buy an ear candle. Somehow the candle does draw out impacted wax, not sure just how it works, but some people swear by it. Be careful to follow the directions, though.

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