Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Foot problem - clogged sweat gland?

I developed a very small pimple like white bump on the ball of my foot. Very painful when touched and to walk on it. Went to foot doctor, he told me I had a clogged sweat gland, and there is no cure! Has anyone ever had this and what did u do?

Foot problem - clogged sweat gland?
If the problem is that of an obstructed sweat gland, I would be very surpised that your doctor, did not inform you, that its a very benign condition, and generally, it resolves by itself.

However, since it is located in a poteltially painful area, you have several options:

fisrt, get your doctor to refer your case or a "local freezing" with liquid nitrogen

Painless, costless, does not hurt, the little plmple will fall off in 2.3 days

Or, get your doctor to prescribe to you, podophylline 5% and use it cautiously (an instructive comes with it) to cauterize it apilessly, with several applications (normally 1 week is more that enough).

Also painless and the treatment is quite cheap.

Nothing wrong will happen to you anyway, dont worry.

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