Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Left Ear Clogged - ENT wasn't helpful?

My left ear is muffled. I can still hear through it, it just sounds "duller". My ENT did an audiology test showing this. They cleaned the ear and it still is muffled. I did not know this ENT, and he seemed quick to dismiss my symptoms. He "guessed" it could be scarring tissue, but i'm a 20 year old male, and this only occurred last week. It feels like it would if you had a head cold and it's clogged up. When I yawn or swallow I can feel my "inner ear"/"sinus" trying to pop it but it won't, like it's not enough. I've tried Nasex, but it's not working. I'm thinking about going to another ENT or an internal medicine doctor. Any ideas?

Left Ear Clogged - ENT wasn't helpful?
sounds like you got some fluid in your ear.It might go away on its own
Reply:Your ear could actually be clogged i get those symptoms all the time. I go to my doctor and she just flushes them out. It may not be the problem but those are similar symptoms. Just get a second opinion!
Reply:Yes, I have the same problem now (and in my left ear as well) as I have before! Go to a general practioner, (do you have a family doctor) and tell them what you are experiencing. I would just about garauntee that it is wax build up in your ear, and although a bit "uncomfortable" a gp will remove that wax and you will hear good as new! ENTs get paid too much to admit it is something that simple and only want to deal with money making cases! Go to a GP, a family doc or just a regular medical doc and you'll be surprised by how much they help you!
Reply:I'd get a second opinion.

There are different types of viruses that effect the ear and can cause hearing loss. At times even, nothing actually shows up! There are also diseases caused by viral infections that effect the middle ear like minears disease and such.

Research your symptoms on

Lots of helpful info there.

Hope things get better for you soon!


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