Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can pleghm clog the heart?

Mom is in the hospital. Doctor says pleghm is clogging her heart. First time i hear this and need to know if others have experienced it or is it really possible?

Can pleghm clog the heart?
Phlegm or sputum(medically) is a respiratory secretion which is produced in excess in inflammatory and infective lung conditions like Pneumonias,COPD,Asthma etc.There is no way for the phlegm to actually clog your heart,but it can definitely clog one's airways making the person short of breath as witnessed in the above conditions.On the other hand atherosclerosis are fatty collections which can clog arteries in any part of the body predominantly heart vessels,over a period of time,starting with narrowing of the arterial lumen.

I strongly feel you must have mixed up the doctors information.It would be advisable to request him to explain to you once again.
Reply:i have never heard of phlegm clogging the heart. blood clots and plaques can block vessels though. phlegm is a respiratory problem which can deprive the brain and heart of oxygen if the lungs are blocked. maybe the doctor was using the word phlegm as a metaphor.
Reply:I thought pleghm came from the lungs. Plaque is what clogs the heart. Are you sure you heard correctly??
Reply:could it be COPD


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