Sunday, March 14, 2010

Best thing for hair-clogged drains?

my shower drain is intensly clogged with hair - gross i know, i used to routinely clean it but this time around i cannot get the cap of the drain to screw off!! i know i could use drain-o, other products, ect...but i wanted to know if you guys knew any certain product or household item that works best when it comes to a hair clog? thanks!

ive used some cleaners before, i cant remember which brands off the top of my head...but they didnt really work with the hair :-(

Best thing for hair-clogged drains?
With very long hair, I have this problem ALL THE TIME. Liquid Drano, pipe snakes, foaming pipe cleaner, etc. they are all a joke. Go to Lowes/Home Depot and get a bottle of Sulfuric Acid. It is located in the plumbing section. It is a black liquid in a bottle and in a plastic spill proof bag. It is safe to use on pipes, AND IT WORKS. Follow instructions exactly. And for protection wear old clothes and gloves. It will eat through cotton, I found this out the hard way. And protect the area around the drain. It may lightly stain Stainless steel with a black color, and definately stain white fiberglass and porcelin. I line the area around the drain with an old towel put into a plastic bag (like a wal-mart bag) and duct tape. It will take an hour or so, and open a window or turn on a fan, but trust me, this stuff will eat anything in your pipes (except the pipes themselves) and your water drain super smooth again.
Reply:Liquid Plumber in the grey bottle. It does a good job on hair clogs and won't hurt plastic pipes
Reply:As others have mentioned........ it is the grey bottle at home depot that comes in a plastic bag. Just try to pour it directly into the drain.
Reply:really it depends on what type of drain pipe you have, if its P.V.C. then relly the only thing you can use is draino ours gets stopped up often too, i just plunge the heck out of it, but dont get one of those cheap plungers go to a plumbing supply house and get a good one, i know that sounds stupid but it does make a difference, while at the supply house though ask them there for an acid type drain cleaner, while they are dissolving the hair it stinks but it does open a drain because it truely works!!
Reply:I don't think you will be able to find a household product that will help you.

You need drain-o.
Reply:liquid Drano
Reply:i know how you feel... tons of girls with long hair have this problem... first off you gotta stick something down your drain (bend a wire coathanger or something thatll do) and pull out at least a good bit of it... its disgusting yep... but its your best bet. THEN you buy some draino and follow the directions... if you do this itll work i promise! Using draino alone could work depending on how much hair is down there... but if your like me... and its pretty damn clogged, youre prolly gonna have to pull some of that shyte out first. But for the next time... before you let the hair build up again, you should really make sure you collect any hair thats coming off your head when youre washing/conditioning in the shower, and throw it away after each shower, so you wont have to keep unclogging... cause it sucks
Reply:I haven't tried this once the drain is completely clogged... but I have if it is running really really slow. Use a product called Thrift. (I purchased it at a plumbing store). You just pour about a cup of the flakes down the drain... followed by some hot water. You then let it sit for about a minute, and then flush it out with hot water. I think it works great (and yes, I have long hair!)

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