Friday, March 12, 2010

AC, Washer, and clog problems?

My ac never worked (its new though, my whole condo is) and aparently it has been leaking...this was discovered when we tried to install my new soon aswe put it on spin cycle, water went everwhere most spewing out of the ac thing. I know part of the problem is a clog and we are working on that...whats the best way to get rid of this kind of clog? Would this be why my ac doesnt work? any help would be great, thank you!

AC, Washer, and clog problems?
If this is a new condo, then contact management. The builder is liable for defective work. The A/C drain should have been inspected, therefore it should be installed correctly. Don't waste any more money out of your pocket. This should all be fixed by the builder, and if he doesn't, get a lawyer! Good luck!
Reply:It sounds like from what you are saying that they run the condensate line from your a/c into the drain line of the washer. This is hard to believe, but stranger things have happened. If this is the case, then I'm sure your against building codes. At least nowhere I know of this is legal. So that needs to be fixed. But to answer your original question, if your A/C is equipped with a condensate pump and sensor, then yes, if the line is clogged, it would shut down your A/C

Puppy Teeth

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