Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sewer Line Clogged?

My sewer line is clogged... I think.

Attached to the sewer line are three things.

1. Upstairs. A toilet, shower, sink

2. Downstairs. A sump pump

3. Also downstairs. A washer machine. 2 and 3 are hooked to same pipe

The washer machine was draining into the pipe when...holy crap... water shoots to the ceiling from the washer machine drain..

To diagnose the problem I:

a)put water in the sump pump to kick it on....more water on the ceiling....

b)flushed toilet...water half way to ceiling

c)used sink and shower...water raised a little over the washer drain..

To fix it i snaked from the nearest guess is i got ten feet down...couldnt find a clog but the snake would go no further. I imagine it is a bend in the pipe the snake is unwilling to make it past. i tried snaking through. the washer drain... too many bends..

ok...i imagine the problem is below where upstairs and downstairs connect since toilet water made it downstairs...then the ceiling....

anyone have a solution...?

Sewer Line Clogged?
I don't mean to sound crass but, call a plumber. I had this same problem when roots invaded my main line outside, and it cost $99 to clean it out--well worth the price.
Reply:Snake from the washer drain since that's where it's backing up from. Chances are the clog isn't too far from there. May have sucked up a sock or something. Or, like said above, could be roots in the line, especially if you have older cast iron pipes.
Reply:There may be a clean-out plug somewhere in the crawl space or basement just before the line leaves the house for the sewer connection. If so you can isolate the problem and maybe even unclog it.
Reply:ok so ur saying the only toilet in ur house is upstairs?........if so u might have to pull that toilet since u cant get to the cleanout plug and put ur snake in there since it will be a larger line than the washer is on........if ur cable is long enuff it should make it to the clog as long as it isnt out in the yard somewhere.....if thats the case then if u dont want to call a plumber u will need to go out in the yard and locate the line then dig it up and bust or cut a whole in it depending on what kind of line it is then rod the line out from there....good luck


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