Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clogged Artery in Neck?

I could be parynoid BUT, I was wondering if you can know or feel a clogged artery in your neck! It feels kinda of tight or tense. It is more so annoying than anything else. I don't have chest pains or anything like that so I don't think it a heart attack. My collar bone feels a little funky to. If I push on the left side of my neck I get this sharp pain in my head. I know this sounds kinda nutty! I had a complete physical in January and Doc said all was fine. I am 28. I also have an underactive thyroid could that cause it?

Clogged Artery in Neck?
you don't have pain or cardiac symptoms really when your carotid is clogged. you have neurologic symptoms. it's more likely to be a muscular or nerve issue.
Reply:My sister had veins that seemed to pop out on her neck once in awhile. Then she had a golf ball sized lump pop up on the left side of her neck and they thought it might be lymphoma cancer. I just prayed and it came back negative for lymphoma and they were scratching their heads. In about a couple of weeks or so it went away and hasn't come back. She has a heart murmur from birth, but I don't know if that has anything to do with the veins popping out.

Clogged arteries in the neck would more likely cause you to pass out or something like that.

Sometimes in martial arts you can make someone pass out by cutting off blood supply in the neck, so don't play around with that.
Reply:It sounds like a tight or strained muscle, and that can cause a headache. Calm will get better, the more you stress about it, the worse it will get....


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