Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clogged/Stuffy Ear Feeling...what to do?

I had some ear wax in my ears last week, totally blocked one ear to where I couldn't hear out of it at all. I bought some Debrox and tried that but it didn't work, so I went to the doctor and they irrigated my ears out and got all the wax out. Now its 3 days later and I have this congested/clogged/stuffy feeling in my ears (both) which in turn is amplifying the ringing that I've always had in my ears. Its driving me nuts and I don't know what to do. I have a doctors appointment day after tomorrow but I'm looking to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I was messing with my ears a lot last week due to the wax, so I'm thinking I either damaged them, or I got liquid on the other side of the ear drum, I'm at a loss.

Clogged/Stuffy Ear Feeling...what to do?
Yes, its possible to push the wax into the ear drum and injure it. If the congestion is in the middle ear ( the inside of eardrum) then you can try a decongestant like sudafed. It takes quite awhile to clear up. The doctor may give you an antibiotic if it looks infected, but they are finding out ear infections usually clear up on their own with time.
Reply:Your doctor didnt give you any kind of drops? I would wait to see him and explain that you are still expierencing difficulties. Your ears are nothing to play around with. As a kid I had mine operated on 12 times and had small plastic tubes put in to drain the fluids. If it gets real bad it could rumpture the ear drum.

I have heard a few drops of vinegar works, but have never tried it personally. If your ear canal starts to get really backed up you should take some kind of decongestant which will calm the swelling. I have bad allergies and get lots of pressure in my ears during the allergy season. I use Drixoral and it helps out tremendously. The one I use is a antihistamine, but it also comes in a non-drowsy formula. Good luck!
Reply:I used to have allergies bad and my ears would clog up bad and hurt. Take a strong decongestant whichever one works best for you, I like tylenol allergy. It should help clear it out, also try yawning and moving your jaw around to move your ears, might help clear it some.
Reply:Maybe it's liquid. I've had the feeling you're describing, after I resurfaced in a pool with ears full of water. They also felt really weird when I had an ear infection. My advice is to ask your doctor about it when you see him.

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