Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clogged nasal passage?

umm.... my nasal passage is clogged. its not like i have a cold or sinuses or anything. when i talk my voice comes out as if my nose is blocked. i went to an ENT specialist but he said i wuz f9. i think he is wrong, and a lot of people agree with me. this also makes breathing through the nose rather hard. i also went to a surgeon and he said the problem is not the sort to be fixed with surgery.

can some one please tell me some easy home remedies which i can work on?

Clogged nasal passage?
i think your nose might be swollen inside, due to the weather or a sensitive nose. it swells up inside, and it's hard to breathe from the nose, when you sleep you most of the time breathe through the mouth. this causes bad breath easily, and you might have dark eyerings easily, because the blood isn't circulating smoothly. if so, then cutting away the swollen part might or might not help, because it could come back again when its dusty or irritated by the weather again.

try massaging the sides of the nose and on your forehead, as well as your temple, in a circular motion, for 5 - 10 minutes a day, as well as anytime you are free to do that. it helps blood circulation and also eases the sensitivity of the nose.

you could also fill hot water in a basin, wrap a tower around your head, covering the basin, and inhale the steam. it helps to clean up the nose passage and also improve blood circulation.

early sleep and exercises (not cardio type, but the type that builds stamina) such as swimming, running, jogging, will help build up your lungs to be less sensitive as well.

you will need to avoid extreme weather changes as well as keep your environment clean. the massage helps most, since this is also the only thing you can do other than the medicine, which curbs the symptons but not improve it.

Reply:Are they sure you don't have nasal polyps?

That would be my guess.

skin problems

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