Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clogged sweat glands?

I know this sounds gross, but is it possible to have clogged sweat glands in your underarms. They are not red, but there are bumps in my underarm. I do shave my underarm, but this isn't stubble. I don't think it is a rash because it is not red, but they are fairly big and they surround each folicle. I usually sweat a lot but ever since this formed, I have no sweat in my underarm. How do I "unclog" sweat glands in my underarms?

Clogged sweat glands?
I had a clogged sweat gland under my arm many years ago. I let it go too long and had to have it surgically removed. I remember my mother saying that she saw it when they were taking it from the operating room to the lab and that it was about the size of a small doughnut.

Have your doctor take a look.
Reply:When I was a teenager, I got those bumps under my arms too. Sometimes they would get big and sore, like a boil. My doctor prescribed a special soap to use. I don't think it helped. But at some point and I don't remember how old I was,but I didn't get them anymore. I think you are right and they are clogged sweat glands, but I don't have an answer for you on how to unclog them.


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