Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clogged Arteries?

Kind of a dumb question, but its naggin the hell out of me... anyway. I'm a sixteen year old male who has taken to eating some unhealthy food lately, and being very concerned of my health want to just sort of...make sure I'm healthy. I'm in absolutely superb shape and have a resting pulse of 48. I just got a physical a month ago and my blood pressure was great too. I'm very thin and carry no fat on my body. Just tell me I don't have clogged arteries and that I'm not going to die when I try to break my record in the 1600 meter tomorrow....

Clogged Arteries?
Why are you asking us?

I can tell you but it is a little meaningless.

You don't have clogged arteries and you are not going to die when you try to break your record in the 1600m tomorrow.

Does that make you feel better?

Does it make you feel better than I am in no position to examine you and actually make that pronouncement based on real factual evidence?

I could completely miss that aneurysm in your brain that is going to kill you seconds after you break your record, for instance.

First you eat junk food. Next you try to ask strangers (many of whom have no medical background) to reassure you about an internal thing that expert cardiologists need to stick needles into you to find out.

What is it that you are expecting, exactly?
Reply:No one know if your arteries are clogged, but we are not doctors and if you health is as good as you say it is why would you think that you have clogged arteries, I don't know what you want people to say. Yes you going to win the race. No you are going to fall out and die, I mean what do you want us to say.No kind of a dumb question, it is a dumb question makes no sense.
Reply:Eating poorly lately is not going to clog your arteries that quickly. You may feel poorly while you race if your glycogen stores are not up, and the effort may feel like you are gonna explode, but I am excited for you, at your chance to do so well, eat some oatmeal!!!
Reply:Well there is really no way to really tell you that for sure without doing a full work up :)

Anyway, you are probably fine and will be fine for your 1600 meter. However, there are many factors besides weight that goes into having clogged arteries... like family history and cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is only in animal-produced foods, no plants have cholesterol, so stick with vegetable oils. Watch out for trans fats and for corn syrup.

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