Ok, so recently, a few weeks ago I woke up one morning and my ear felt really clogged. I thought it was just ear wax build up, so over the next several days, I tried to clean out my ear. One day, I stuck my finger to far, and i cut myself inside my ear and I began to bleed a very little bit. Ever since then, my ear feels completely clogged and it seems as if I have some trouble hearing out of it. And it always makes this small ringing noise, and today it seems like half the face with my clogged ear feels numb. Every time I burp or swallow to balance the air pressure in my ear, I feel it going out of my right ear (the unclogged ear), but it feels like there is this wall preventing the air from escaping my left ear. Can anybody explain the problem?
Why do my ears feel clogged?
sounds like an ear infection
i get them a lot %26amp; i have the same problem with that clogged feeling
i'd say defff go to the doctor's and get that checked out
Reply:You could have an inner ear infection. Usually caused by fluids in the inner most part of your ear. It can get trapped and become stagnant then eventually infected. Or it could be draining from sinuses. Funny...cause I had a clogged ear recently and I thought I could pull on my ear enough to drain anything in it. It did not work. Then it started itching on occasions so I would stick my finger in at night and try to scratch it. Mind you, I was asleep. I made my ear raw and sore and it swelled. My doctor said it looked fine though and also suggested the fluid behind the ear drum or something. I am not sure if you are intrested in homeopathic remedies....but you mentioned you feel like there is a wall keeping excess pressure from escaping. It very well could be earwax and inserting your finger or rubbing it constantly could have lodged it farther. I used ear candles on my ear. They are waxy candles that are hollow and have an opening on each end. The narrow end is inserted into your ear. Not in your ear canal!! You will need supervison with it. You poke a hole in a paper plate to keep burning ashes from getting in your ear or face. Stick the candle in the hole. It should fit snuggly. Have a helper light it and blow it out so it is still burning edges but not on fire. They will place the narrow end in your ear while you lay down and infected ear face up. The helper is great because they will keep the burning process going. The smoke goes through the inside of the candle into your ear and the smoke then sort of melts and loosens the waxy buildup then drawing it back up into the candle. If there is an infection it will draw it out as well. Once you have used the candle to about halfway, stick the burning end into water. Then use a razor blade to cut it open. The earwax looks like earwax and the infection usuallys form into this white powdery substance. Kind of gross but it works good. Ear candles can be purchase at any healthfood store for about $2-4 a piece depending on size. If it does not help...see a doctor.
Reply:That actually happened to me not to long ago. I don't have a car so I just said oh well. Sure enough a few days later it eventually cleared up. But you might want to ask a doctor because that sounds more severe. You might have an ear infection. Worse thing that can happen is that they drain your ear. It's virtually painless, and kind of fun.
Reply:have you recently been on a plane? or had a cold? the pressure in a plane can do that, and with a cold, your Eustachian tubes fill will mucus and feel "clogged" I also just had this same problem (minus the cut...) and it was an earwax build up. So i wouldnt rule that out yet. i would go to the doctors and see whats up and just make sure everything is ok. By the way, what exaclty did you cut your ear with??
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