Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clogged milk duct?

I'm pretty sure that I have a clogged milk duct, and it really hurts! Just noticed it last night, it looks like an inflamed pimple 1 cm from my nipple. I've continued nursing as often as I can get my daughter to breast, I've used a hot compress before nursing.

What worked for you? Do you have any other suggestions for what I can try to pass this? It hurts!

Clogged milk duct?
When I had a plugged duct a couple of times I had to break the blister and pull some gunky bits out (with tweezers). You should do this just before the baby nurses, and as the baby nurses you should try to find the duct deeper in your breast that is full and push on it to encourage it to drain.

Most people say if you keep nursing it will go away on its own, personally I think a little bit of help is sometimes in order.

Milk Blister: (with photo)

How do you treat a milk blister?

Plugged Ducts and Mastitis
Reply:I read that hot showers and massaging them out helps.
Reply:This will hurt at first, but just under the nipple extending out, rub the area between fingers to feel a tube like duct and pinch/squeeze gently and pull outwards. You may have to do this a couple of times with added pressure each time.

This is what my doctor did and taught me with my last baby. He also had me use mild heat and massage after wards to avoid any more; I did have 2 more anyways.
Reply:Nurse Nurse Nurse. And a warm/hot bath, leaning into the water while squeezing nipples to get the milk to leak.
Reply:I JUST HAD ONE OF THOSE BAD BOYS and i was told to apply hot compress and give it a gentle massage if it gets to bad you should see the Dr because a infection will be a problem
Reply:If it's warm, very painful, or has red marks branching out from it, call your doctor! It may be infected and it's dangerous to let it continue that way- it can spread the infection to other tissue nearby.
Reply:Hot showers and breast rubs may help. Other than that you are doing everything that worked for me. Hope it gets better soon.
Reply:Massage your breast while nurseing will relieve any presure you feel. Try and put olive oil on your nipples to help soothe them. It won't her your baby, it can accually be good for him or her And just NURSE, NURSE, NURSE!!!!!!
Reply:Go to the doctor.
Reply:you will need to talk to your doctor, and probably get medication for it. anything hot and moist will help it out. Just dont stop nursing.....
Reply:Go the the doctor, it could be infected and then you and the baby may need medication. Try massaging it out in a hot shower, or using a differet hold with nursing so that you baby is putting suction and pressure in a different spot.

EDIT: Wow, thumbs down for suggesting the doctor. You know, doctors see this kind of stuff everyday and would probably be able to do more help than a bunch of people on the net who may have known someone who may have gone through the same thing once upon a time.

Good luck anyway.
Reply:Using a small pin, poke a hole into the affected area of skin and attempt to dislodge the blockage from the duct. Be careful not to pass the pin through both sides of the duct though. Make sure you sterilize the pin first with rubbing alcohol and clean the area afterwards.


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