Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help with clogged ear?

every morning for the past 3 days,

i've been putting in hydrogen peroxide and then rinsing with rubbing alcohol because my hear was clogged up and i decided to keep doing it so it wouldn't be clogged up. and because that's what this one website said

and it was working fine

and then this morning, i put the hydrogen in, that went fine. but when i got to the alcohol, it didn't come out.

do you think it'll evaporate?

or come out by itself?

and if it does, how quick d you think that'll be?

Help with clogged ear?
Pouring oil or alcohol in your ears is NOT a good idea! And sorry, but ear candling is a scam. See this link:

It is very easy and painless to clean your buildup. Go to the doctor, and they will use a small rubber syringe to squirt warm water inside, which will melt the wax and float it out. easy, gentle, quick, and proper. You won't believe how great it feels after!
Reply:yes it will.

i suggest you do some ear candling to clear out any excess wax which may be the reason behind your ear clogging up in the first place.

EDIT: wow.. i just read the link below about ear candling being a scam!! i had no idea!! i take it back!! don't do it!! sorry for suggesting a scam.. i didn't realise... sorry.
Reply:It might be ear wax that's clogging it. In that case, nothing you've been using will work. Like dissolves like, you know, so you need one of those ear wax removal kits (the product you use is sort of waxy/thick/oily--just like ear wax). It could also be that you have an inner ear infection.
Reply:try shaking you head hard!! and get a ear lavage when you get a chance
Reply:If you have no pain or feel no irritation, you should not worry. If your ear is still clogged, try to pour in some olive oil, or even better, mustard seed oil. It is good to clean your ear with these oils every week. Best regards and good luck!
Reply:You need to see a doctor and have your ears syringed.
Reply:You have my sympathy with this one - I get it frequently and it can be soooo annoying!

I often find that the more drops I put in my ear the gunkier and more blocked it gets! My doctors used to tell me to treat a blocked ear with putting drops in - now they always tell me I put too many in which makes the problem worse.

So often this is a no win situation.

If I were you I'd take yourself to the doctors as quick as you can - hopefully they'll be able to syringe the ear and get it all out.

Good luck x

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