Sunday, October 11, 2009

What can clog an Artery?

What can clog an artery?

i would like specific answers!

please just don't tell me cholestoral, tell me specific foods that are known for clogging arterys with cholesterol.

and don't just say foods with high fructose corn syrup, i would like to know specific foods that are well known for that.

so please, i hope you understand the question.

any help would be greatly appreciated!!

What can clog an Artery?
certain food fats cause plaque to build up in arterys and the blood platelets can stick to the plaque and build up to cause a clot. foods high in saturated fats and trans fats can cause this.

this plaque ca alos cause the blood pressure to raise.

check the nutrition facts of your food to see the numbers
Reply:Eggs, meat and milk products
Reply:Smoking!!!!! Seriously, try to stop if you do.. If you unsure what to do about it, drink Cayenne pepper "tea". One t4aspoon in a cup of hot water, it opens everything!!!
Reply:Stress, elevated FASTING BLOOD SUGAR HOMOCYSTEINE, elevated blood pressure, POOR NITRIC OXIDE levels in the arteries - These things are CAUSAL of CHD. Cholesterol is NOT.

These things ABOVE CAN cause inflammation and damage to the endothileum and then obstructions

The low saturated fat PROPAGANDA is NOT supported by the results of the clinical trials to date

Low saturated fat diets do NOT reduce myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) , coronary artery disease mortality OR total mortality

The Oxford European Heart Journal

Please read the PRIMARY literature on this in FULL TEXT, and VERY CAREFULLY.

The Cholesterol Theory is the greatest SCAM ever perpetrated on the public.

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