Friday, November 6, 2009

Clogged ears?

what is the easiest way to unclogg ears?

i fell asleep on the floor in my living room. I woke up at 2:00am with a stuffy nose and my right ear clogged. what is the best way to unclogg them at 3:00 am (now :P)

Clogged ears?
chew gum,hold your nose and blow Thur your nose,use a q tip and clean out your ears,take sinus pills
Reply:Sit up till your head clears, try having a steamy shower, sounds like its connected to your sinuses.
Reply:Sounds like it may just be a symptom of a cold. I had a bad infection that just couldn't be licked even with antibiotics and I was practically deaf on the right side for a month.
Reply:You might have allergies. Sometimes when I sleep in the floor with my bunnies. I get allergies. Stop sleeping on the floor.
Reply:hold your nose closed with your hand and blow as if blowing your nose but w/o actually blowing your nose.
Reply:You can try a shower and let warm water clear your ears. You can try a Hydrogen Peroixde and water solution, pour that in your ear and see if it helps. Other than that, give your body to time to fix it self.
Reply:you have to just take medicene, you have a cold, just tell ur mom and she will go buy u medicene
Reply:ugh try puttin achol in ur ear... or qtip ... be careful... go to a DR if possible


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